Your Reliable Transport Company
At Zip Move Ltd, we believe the supplier-vendor relationship to be an important, strong and long term partnership. Both the client and the Express partners will concentrate on their lead competencies and work closely together with the common aim to be a leader in each other’s sector. We want to service you in a reliable, efficient and flexible manner, so that your company can compete in its business, not only by selling quality products, but also by satisfying customers with high value Express services.
With so many options available you can rest assured that we will be able to deliver your consignment, regardless of its size. And if there’s ever a time where you need some advice on choosing the right solution, our transport team, who have more than 120 years’ experience.
Since our inception in 1998, we have developed according to our clients’ needs from a traditional freight forwarding company to a full service Express provider. We provide all the necessary services for highly-engineered supply chain solutions and combine these with a range of warehousing and freight forwarding services to provide a complete solution.
- Routine and medical care
- Excellence in Healthcare every
- Building a healthy environment.