Zip Move Ltd, Air Freight Forwarding, Road Haulage..

Zip Move Ltd is a leading Express company based in the Midlands, United Kingdom. We specialise in providing supply-chain warehousing and transport services throughout the UK, Ireland, Continental Europe & Asia.


Experience of

Our Aim

“ To make the process of buying and managing shipping and Express services simple, efficient, stress free and cost effective.” We do this by providing a friendly, efficient and personalised service combined with innovative IT solutions that enable our customers to always be in control of their supply chains.

Air freight services


Road Freight Service


Sea Freight Service

Managing Zip Move Ltd For World’s

Most Popular International shipping
That Suits Your Life.

Branches Across The World 45+

9.9K+ Parcel Delivered.

We’re Trusted By More Than 4500 Clients

Trusted By The World’s Best Organizations.

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